Monday, August 31, 2009

Taking Another Look at this PD Special Feature!

Joanna Connors is a writer for the Plain Dealer. It was about 2 years ago that she went through Volunteer Training and told me she was a survivor herself and that she was working on a piece for the PD documenting her experience. Despite how upfront Joanna was, I still wasn't prepared for the amazing work she published in May of 2008. Joanna tells her story and, both fortunately and unfortunatley, it resonates with many other survivors of sexual assault.

When the piece was published initially (in it's own section of the paper!) we got an amazing response from the community. And just this morning WCPN re-aired an interview with Joanna and Megan O'Bryan, our Executive Director! Our services were mentioned at length along with the Hotline Number which was given out repeatedly. It's great to see the community support Joanna and link other survivors with our services. In case you missed the article, or would like to take a second look at it again, here it is!

Awareness = Change: Women's Crusade

This piece from the New York Times was passed along to me and I think it's definitely worth passing along again. It is a bit lengthy but if you can find the time it's a great read about women's welfare on a global spectrum and micro-aid programs.

If you have only about 5 minutes, there is an audio slide show "A Powerful Truth" on the left hand side of the screen that provides a snapshot of the issues discussed in the article.

What do you think? After you've read the article or watched the slideshow, leave us with your thoughts. Did you find anything surprising? What did you feel was the most promising part of the story? Do you have anything else to add?


I am very excited to welcome all of you to the brand new blog for Advocates of the CRCC!

This will be a site to further your connection with the staff and projects of the CRCC, to further your work and knowledge around the mission to end sexual violence and to further the connection you all have to each other.

This will not be a site where I nag about shift coverage, leave important information regarding 24-Hour Programs or ask for your shift reports.

Check back every day! I'll be working to have contributions from other staff members, links to interesting and conversation-stimulating articles, photos, discussions about self-care ... and I also want to hear from you! If you have something you'd like to contribute just send it my way!

This blog has been created and designed with you in mind and will grow and evolve with your help. Welcome!!