Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thank you, Sarah Kostick!

This isn't my first post about how wonderful Sarah Kostick is. And those of you who have had the opportunity to volunteer or train with Sarah also know that she's fabulous.

But there is an all-new reason that Sarah is such a stand-out Advocate.

You see, Sarah graduated from law school in the spring and has spent the entire summer studying for the bar exam. And last week she drove herself to Columbus to take actually take the killer test.

So what does this have to do with Advocacy?

Bear with me.

On her way back from Columbus, just hours after completing the most grueling examination of her entire life, Sarah got an emergency request to act as a F2F Advocate. And she took it!

Sarah ignored all the excuses she had at the ready. She thought about the survivor waiting for an Advocate at the hospital. She went to the hospital without even going home first.

Not only did she show up but she did an amazing job and made an immeasurable difference to the survivor. And that is why Sarah is not only an amazing Advocate but an amazing person.

Thank you, Sarah!

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