Thursday, September 30, 2010
Call for Volunteers for One Afternoon!
Volunteers are needed on Monday, October 4 to help distribute “Take Back the Night” flyers door to door and in local establishments.
We’ll be meeting at the Harvard-Lee Library beginning at 2:30 p.m. and plan to be out in the neighborhood until five. Any amount of time you can give would be greatly appreciated.
The Harvard-Lee Library is located at 16918 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland 44128 (216) 623-6990.
Please RSVP to Jeon Francis at
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
16th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
Ed. Note: For more information, visit the Department of Health and Human Services violence against women website and the Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women.
Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a reception at the Naval Observatory Residence marking the 16th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, in Washington, DC September 22, 2010.
Last night, more than a hundred advocates and college students from around the country gathered at the home of Vice President Biden to mark the 16th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The Vice President spoke passionately about his ongoing commitment to ending violence against women and girls and the next steps we must take to change societal attitudes about violence.

Written and championed by then-Senator Biden, VAWA focused on improving the criminal justice response to domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault. Since 1994, VAWA has sent 4 billion dollars to states and local communities to develop specialized law enforcement units, provide services to victims, improve prosecution of these crimes, and train professionals about domestic violence and sexual assault. In many ways, VAWA has been successful. Since the passage of the Act, domestic violence has dropped by 58%.In spite of all this progress, we still have much work to do. Three women still die every day at the hands of husbands or boyfriends. Domestic violence causes two million injuries a year and untold amounts of human suffering. Domestic violence shelters are still full, hotlines are ringing, and for every victim who has come forward, many more are suffering alone.
Even more alarming, young women between the ages of 16-24 have the highest rates of relationship violence, and one in five women will be sexually assaulted while they are in college. Vice President Biden pointed out that we must focus on changing attitudes of our young people so that violence against women is not acceptable. He also noted that we must reach young people with the new technologies—like texting and other online media—that they use to communicate. The Vice President is committed to working with teens and college students to meet this challenge and he applauded those who have already joined this effort and were gathered at his home last night.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
2010 Volunteer Appreciation Event - A Great Success!
I had a great time talking to everyone and watching all the bowling and I hope you all did as well!
It'll be hard to top this event next year but you can bet I'll try!
Thanks again to all who made Sunday afternoon so enjoyable!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bullying: Protecting Our Teens In Today's World
Friday, September 24, 2010
We are bowled over by your hard work!
Sunday, September 26th
the Corner Alley
402 Euclid Avenue

We hope you can join us as we thank you for all your hard work!
Stop by and bowl! Or swing by just for a bit and grab something to eat!
Bring friends and family!
We hope to see you there!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora's public disrespect for women should have been a signal: Connie Schultz
Why was Jimmy Dimora allowed to abuse his power for so long?
We can start by looking at how he treated women.
When you read the federal government's transcripts of Jimmy Dimora's conversations, apparently recorded by wiretap, a clear pattern emerges about this supposed liberal Democrat.
Dimora and his buddies trafficked in profane references to women's genitalia. He reportedly engaged in sex-for-hire and sex-to-be-hired schemes, which were facilitated by political friends willing to drop off condo keys, rent hotel rooms and pay a prostitute's bill to keep his name out of the transactions.

Dimora isn't some old codger still fuming that women got the vote.
This is a fellow baby boomer, a guy only two years older than I, regularly acting as if the last 80 years of women's history never happened. Why didn't that send up more flares?
Clearly, this is a story about a man with little regard for women. But it's also about newsrooms and Cuyahoga County's Democratic Party shrugging off Dimora's raunchy jokes and boorish behavior as Jimmy just being Jimmy.
Here is the beginning of a story that ran in The Plain Dealer in June 1998:
Just in case they were wondering, Bedford Heights Mayor Jimmy Dimora
assured 431 members of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Executive Committee on
Valentine's Day that his sex life was just fine.
"Boy, do I feel good today," Dimora, party chairman, said in opening
remarks to the Democratic faithful gathered for the party's endorsement meeting
at the Holiday Inn in Independence. "My wife took good care of me this morning."
Somewhere, the woman married to the Italian Stallion of Bedford Heights
had to be blushing. Out in the audience, women were cringing . . .
Yet, no one for a minute believed that Dimora's locker room braying
belied a latent vein of disrespect for women. "He's no chauvinist pig," Cindy
Marizette, co-executive director of the county Democratic Party, said this week.
"That's just Jimmy."
At 260 pounds, Dimora is a teddy bear of a man with a kind heart and a
penchant for honesty. He talks to you straight up and sometimes gets in trouble
for it. In a realm of rhetorical wafflers, he's a breath of fresh air.
Hmm: I read that and missed both the cool breeze and the punch line.
The first time I met Dimora was memorable. He made me wait 45 minutes in an empty room for a scheduled interview in 2001. When he finally waltzed in, he took one look at me, and bellowed, "Well, if I'd known you looked like this I would have been here a lot sooner."
Then, he immediately recounted the advice he'd given one of my female colleagues: "I told her she should get another head shot because she's a lot prettier than her picture in the paper."
When another of my female colleagues was first assigned to cover county government, she took Dimora to lunch. She was a newlywed, and Dimora asked how she had met her husband. When she described her then-boyfriend driving more than 24 hours straight just to have dinner with her, Dimora smiled and said, "You must be reeeeeally great."
Some of us never found Dimora to be empathetic or generous, and we never thought he was funny. But we found little interest back then when we tried to raise the issue.
The constant refrain: "It's just Jimmy. He's old school."
My gut told me there was more to it. I wish I had forced the issue.
When you are an elected official born in 1955, your boorish behavior toward women isn't "old school," it's unacceptable. It also raises the question: What other old-time traditions have you revived?
I'm hopeful that the county's liberal leaders will publicly condemn the systemic malaise that allowed Dimora's disregard for women to fester and flourish. I also know I could be in for a long wait.
Last Thursday, The Plain Dealer reported that Dimora had sex on numerous occasions with a public employee seeking a new job. We identified the woman only as PE39. On Friday, one of our reporters started getting calls from various pols, including a couple of suburban mayors and a high-ranking county official.
All of them were men, and all of them had the same question:
Who is PE39?
Because, you know, the lowest form of gossip is more important than the scandal that betrayed so many of us and toppled our county government.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
At Work, Engaged and Making a Difference
Most of Diane Daiber's 25 years with Hillcrest Hospital have been as a nurse in the Emergency Department where caring for victims of sexual assault led her on a career path. After researching programs around the country, Diane founded the first Sexual Assault Nurse Examinder (SANE) program at Cleveland Clinic in 2003. The program started at Hillcrest and it has since been established at Fairview, Huron and Marymount hospitals.
Today, Diane recruits, trains, schedules and supervises a very dedicated group of nursing professionals who attend to the physical and emotional needs of this vulnerable patient population. They also attend to the very important work of collecting forensic evidence. In 2006, Diane began a collaborative effort with local law enforcement to provide an annual forensic nurse training program; to date some 160 nurses have completed this intensive 40-hour program.
A tireless caregiver, Diane is also a founding member of the Cuyahoga County and Geauga County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), and she has served as a member of the Ohio Department of Health Protocol Committee for Sexual Assault Forensic and Medical Examination. In her free time, Diane works with local schools and colleges to provide prevention workshops to students on sexual assault and dating violence. On Oct. 18, she will be working with the Intimate Partner Violence Committee to present a webcast on domestic violence issues.
For those great contributions, Diane has been inducted into the Cleveland Clinic Nursing Hall of Fame and the Ursuline College Alumni Hall of Fame.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
U.S. Senate hearing focuses on mishandling of sex crimes nationally, in Cleveland

Cleveland Rape Crisis Center President & CEO Megan O'Bryan said the center submitted testimony for the hearing and that Cleveland's work on the issue of sexual assault was gaining national attention.
Tracy said calls have mounted from cities across the country with disturbing themes about police investigation of rapes: rape reports being discouraged or turned away; rapes and other sex crimes being downgraded or misclassified and cases being classified as "unfounded" in large numbers.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The crimewave that shames the world
It is a tragedy, a horror, a crime against humanity. The details of the murders – of the women beheaded, burned to death, stoned to death, stabbed, electrocuted, strangled and buried alive for the "honour" of their families – are as barbaric as they are shameful. Many women's groups in the Middle East and South-west Asia suspect the victims are at least four times the United Nations' latest world figure of around 5,000 deaths a year. Most of the victims are young, many are teenagers, slaughtered under a vile tradition that goes back hundreds of years but which now spans half the globe.
A 10-month investigation by The Independent in Jordan, Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank has unearthed terrifying details of murder most foul. Men are also killed for "honour" and, despite its identification by journalists as a largely Muslim practice, Christian and Hindu communities have stooped to the same crimes. Indeed, the "honour" (or ird) of families, communities and tribes transcends religion and human mercy. But voluntary women's groups, human rights organisations, Amnesty International and news archives suggest that the slaughter of the innocent for "dishonouring" their families is increasing by the year.
Iraqi Kurds, Palestinians in Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey appear to be the worst offenders but media freedoms in these countries may over-compensate for the secrecy which surrounds "honour" killings in Egypt – which untruthfully claims there are none – and other Middle East nations in the Gulf and the Levant. But honour crimes long ago spread to Britain, Belgium, Russia and Canada and many other nations. Security authorities and courts across much of the Middle East have connived in reducing or abrogating prison sentences for the family murder of women, often classifying them as suicides to prevent prosecutions.

It is difficult to remain unemotional at the vast and detailed catalogue of these crimes. How should one react to a man – this has happened in both Jordan and Egypt – who rapes his own daughter and then, when she becomes pregnant, kills her to save the "honour" of his family? Or the Turkish father and grandfather of a 16-year-old girl, Medine Mehmi, in the province of Adiyaman, who was buried alive beneath a chicken coop in February for "befriending boys"? Her body was found 40 days later, in a sitting position and with her hands tied.
Or Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, 13, who in Somalia in 2008, in front of a thousand people, was dragged to a hole in the ground – all the while screaming, "I'm not going – don't kill me" – then buried up to her neck and stoned by 50 men for adultery? After 10 minutes, she was dug up, found to be still alive and put back in the hole for further stoning. Her crime? She had been raped by three men and, fatally, her family decided to report the facts to the Al-Shabab militia that runs Kismayo. Or the Al-Shabab Islamic "judge" in the same country who announced the 2009 stoning to death of a woman – the second of its kind the same year – for having an affair? Her boyfriend received a mere 100 lashes.
Or the young woman found in a drainage ditch near Daharki in Pakistan, "honour" killed by her family as she gave birth to her second child, her nose, ears and lips chopped off before being axed to death, her first infant lying dead among her clothes, her newborn's torso still in her womb, its head already emerging from her body? She was badly decomposed; the local police were asked to bury her. Women carried the three to a grave, but a Muslim cleric refused to say prayers for her because it was "irreligious" to participate in the namaz-e-janaza prayers for "a cursed woman and her illegitimate children".
read the rest of the article by clicking here
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Save the Date - Take Back the Night on October 6th
Speak out to end violence against women!
Candlelight March & Survivor Speak-out
Wednesday, October 6
6:30 p.m. march
Meet outside Harvard-Lee Branch of Cleveland Public Library (16918 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland, 44128)
7:30 p.m. speak-out
Harvard Community Services Center (18240 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland 44128)
Ample parking and police escort planned. Bring your own signs.
In the event of inclimate weather, meet at Harvard Community Services Center.
First 100 to arrive receive a FREE t-shirt!
For more information, call 216-619-6194 x 114.
Hosted by: Cuyahoga County Sexual Assault Response Team
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
September's Continuing Education Event
It will be at 6pm on the 20th of September and Ashley Hawke, the Director of Advocacy Services, will be speaking!
Ashley will be presenting 2 case reviews from her experience as a Justice System Advocate. The cases will be two different experiences of what it was like to go through the process of pressing charges.
Who: Ashley Hawke, Director of Advocacy Services x103
What: Presenting 2 JSA cases
Where: CRCC training room on the 14th floor
When: September 20th, 6pm
Why: We refer survivors to JSA all of the time on the hotline, in the hospitals, and in police precincts. Ashley will give you a better understanding of what an experience might be like for a survivor who is going through that process.
If you are interested in attending please RSVP to me or 216-619-6194x116.
And remember friends are now welcome. Let me know if you have a friend who is interested when you RSVP. I need their name and email address.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
U.S. Senate Holds Public Hearing on Failure to Investigate Reports of Rape
Dear Friends,
Today, the U.S. Senate will host a hearing on "Rape in the United States: The Chronic Failure to Report and Investigate Sex Crimes." This hearing comes in response to reports that police mishandled rape reports in six cities across the United States, including Cleveland.
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center submitted this statement for the public record:
"It is imperative that when someone reports a sexual assault, an officerFull Statement
responds in an empathetic and non-judgmental manner. It is vital that the
officer indicates that they believe the reporting person and ensures that a
report is filed appropriately. It is also imperative that our criminal
justice system does everything it can to fully investigate and prosecute
Please take this opportunity to write to your Senator and your Representative and encourage them to be present at the hearing.
We encourage you to watch the hearings on this live webcast at 2:15 on Tuesday and to spread the word about this important hearing.
Together, we can raise awareness and use this opportunity to create change on a national level.
Megan O'Bryan
President & CEO
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ranking #16 and still moving up, Vote for RAINN!
As you already know, RAINN is currently in the running to win$250,000 through the Pepsi Refresh Contest to expand our *Online* Hotline toSpanish-speaking victims.
If RAINN receives the winning number of votes bySeptember 30th, we win!
Right now, RAINN is holding at 18th place, and we have 20 days to get to #1.

We simply cannot do this without your help.
If you haven’t already, please sign up to receive daily reminders to vote 3x a day, through September 30th.
Here’s how to vote:
- Vote once a day online:
- Vote once a day via text: Text 102552 to Pepsi (73774)
- Vote once a day from Facebook: install the Facebook App
We need all the help we can get to launch this great new service!
Thank you in advance for your help.
Friday, September 10, 2010
One Phone Call from Truck Driver Rescues Nine
One truck driver who noticed two young girls being worked at a truck stop, made the 911 call to police and an amazing set of events took place. The two girls, 15 and 14, were seen going in and out of the trucks and appeared to be distraught and at times, just simply afraid. Feeling something was not right, the alert trucker called police, informing them that the two girls “appeared pretty young.”
Not only were the two Ohio girls minors, but they also turned out to be kidnap victims of human trafficking. The two minors were saved and returned to their families, but the story did not end there. Because of this one phone call from this one truck driver, seven other minor children were saved leading to the conviction of thirty one human trafficking offenders and led to the shutting down of a thirteen-state prostitution ring.
One phone call from one trucker . . . 9 lives saved . . . 31 offenders convicted . . . 13 state ring shut down . . . from one phone call.
Truckers Against Trafficking Teaser from Brad Riley / iEmpathize on Vimeo.
Learn more about Truckers Against Trafficking here.Thursday, September 9, 2010
Allow me to introduce ... Holly Moyseenko Kossover!

- For there to be no reason for the CRCC to exist (time to find somewhere else to volunteer and sorry about your job, Wendy!).
- For college to be free or much more affordable for everyone.
- For better medications or a cure for many chronic health issues (there hasn't been a new drug approved for lupus in over 50 years - I know a cure is asking for a lot out of that magic wand, so I'll go for some new meds).
Tulip O'Hare: She makes me smile many times daily (that's her job description - and sitting on feet to warm them up)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Volunteers Needed for a Research Study
You may take part in this research study if you:
- Have experienced unwanted sexual contact
- Have been forced to participate in sexual activities without your consent or against your will
You may not take part in this research study if you:
- Are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the interview
- Are experiencing psychotic or manic symptoms which would interfere with your being able to focus on the interview
- Are currently experiencing an acute crisis which would prohibit you from being able to focus on the interview
- Are currently seen by the researcher for care (to be determined during initial phone contact)
What will you be asked to do?
- Talk with the female researcher to learn more about the study so you can make an informed decision
- Be willing to talk about your personal relationships after the sexual assault occurred
- Participate in an interview of about 60-90 minutes (the researcher may contact you for clarification if needed)
- Review a summary of the findings from everyone who participated to ensure your experience is accurately represented
You will be compensated for participation in this study.
If you are interested in learning more about this study or if you have questions, please contact the researcher at 440-382-8636.
Please note, this is a different research study than one previously posted.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Craigslist shuts down adult services section amid legal fight over erotic ads
from the Associated Press, Saturday, September 4, 2010
Craigslist appears to have surrendered in a legal fight over erotic ads posted on its website, shutting down its adult-services section Saturday and replacing it with a black bar that says simply "Censored."
The move comes just over a week after a group of state attorneys general, including Ohio's Richard Cordray, said there weren't enough protections against blocking potentially illegal ads promoting prostitution. It's not clear if the shutdown is permanent, and it appears to affect only ads in the United States.
The listings came under new scrutiny after the jailhouse suicide last month of a former medical student who was awaiting trial in the killing of a masseuse he met through Craigslist. Critics have likened the services to virtual pimping, while Craigslist maintained the site was carrying ads even tamer than those published by some newspapers.
Like many other free online forums, Craigslist typically does not review ads before they are posted by users. But in 2008, under pressure from 40 state attorneys general, Craigslist began requiring posters to provide a working phone number and pay a fee for placing an ad in what is now the adult-services section. Several months later, Craigslist adopted a manual screening process in which postings are reviewed before publishing.
State officials believe Craigslist is still not doing enough to stop illegal ads from appearing.
The company said Saturday that it would issue a statement on the matter, though it didn't say when.
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, one of the 17 attorneys general who pressed for the change, said in a prepared statement that he welcomed the change and was trying to verify Craigslist's official policy.
In an Aug. 24 letter, the state attorneys general said Craigslist should remove the section because it couldn't adequately block potentially illegal ads promoting prostitution and child trafficking.
Authorities point to the case of 24-year-old Philip Markoff as a prime example of the dangers posed by Craigslist services. The former medical student was accused of killing a masseuse he met through the hugely popular classified advertising site, which was founded by Craig Newmark. Markoff committed suicide in the Boston jail where he was awaiting trial.
Craigslist's adult-services section carried ads for everything from personal massages to a night's companionship, which critics say veered into prostitution.
Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster said in a May blog posting that the company's ads were no worse than those published by the alternative newspaper chain Village Voice Media. He cited one explicit ad that included the phrase: "anything goes $90."
Monday, September 6, 2010
RAINN Needs Your Support
I hope you are all having a good day. Although the CRCC is closed today, I wanted to quickly let you all know about that RAINN is looking to get a grant from Pepsi in order to serve Spanish-speaking victims of sexual violence through their online hotline.
The group that gets the most votes by September 30th will receive the money.
Voting has officially started! VOTE twice a day, every day and help RAINN win
$250,000 through Pepsi Refresh!
What: RAINN needs your vote to win a
$250,000 grant from Pepsi. The idea with the most votes by September 30th wins,
so please vote for us every day.
Why: To expand our award-winning Online
Hotline to serve Spanish-speaking victims of sexual violence. Watch our video to
learn more about this vital project.
1. Sign up once today.
2. Vote every day this month. You can vote once online and once by text
every day.
Vote Online:
Vote by
text: Text 102552 to 73774
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
Please watch our video and learn more about our idea.
Scott Berkowitz
President and Founder
Friday, September 3, 2010
August's Continuing Education Event
Thank you Gloria!
Gloria came and spoke about Planned Parenthood of North East Ohio’s (PPNEO) Services, STD’s/STI’s, and Abortions. Here is some of the information that was covered (in case you were not able to make it).

PPNEO sees both men and women. They offer Gynecological exams, birth control (including emergency contraception), pregnancy testing and options information, HPV vaccination, Essure non-surgical permanent contraception, early cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment, Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment), HIV testing and education (confidential or anonymous), Urinary tract and vaginal infection diagnosis and treatment, first trimester medication and surgical abortion services, midlife services, referrals for other specialized medical care, AND they are also doing comprehensive sex education K-12 in the Cleveland Municipal School District.
STDs and STIs are mostly the same thing and used interchangeably.
Chlamydia, NGU, Gonorrhea Syphilis and Trichomoniasis are all curable STIs. Hepatitis B

Crabs is also treatable but people with crabs should not go to PPNEO. Treatment is available over the counter and if they do go to the center the whole room has to be shut down and sterilized.
STD/STI symptoms are often more obvious in men because discharge (which is a pretty common symptom) may be confused as normal in women where as discharge is never normal in men.
Gloria does education with the 9th and 10th graders in the Cleveland schools. The different curriculums used in the different grades can be found on the CMSD website if you search for “responsible sexual behavior education”.
PPNEO offers abortions as does Pre Term. There are two types of abortions medical abortions (where medicine is administered to the patient) and surgical abortions. Medical abortions may be performed if the patient is less then 8 weeks pregnant. After that they may have a surgical abortion which can be performed up to 14 weeks into the pregnancy. All individuals who are having an abortion must have two appointments (one where they get medically checked out and cleared and then another appointment for the procedure). Some insurances will cover the cost of an abortion for rape victims.
If there is someone on the hotline who is deciding if they want to have an abortion the important thing to do is to remain non-judgmental and do not try to sway the caller in any way. Support the caller in their process of making this difficult decision. There is also a hotline (NOT 24-Hours) that Gloria suggested, that talks to women who are considering an abortion or have already had an abortion. This hotline is also available to family members of people who are considering or have had an abortion.
If there are any people who would prefer/ feel more comfortable with a Spanish speaking facility, the Old Brooklyn site has several staff members who speak Spanish. This site is located at Broadview and W25th.
Again thank you so much Gloria! For additional information on PPNEO please visit
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Equal Rights for Women? Survey Says: Yes, but ...
People around the world say they firmly support equal rights for men and women, but many still believe men should get preference when it comes to good jobs, higher education or even in some cases the simple right to work outside the home, according to a new survey of 22 nations.
The poll, conducted in April and May by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project in association with the International Herald Tribune, shows that in both developing countries and wealthy ones, there is a pronounced gap between a belief in the equality of the sexes and how that translates into reality.
In nations where equal rights are already mandated, women seem stymied by a lack of real progress, the poll found.
“Women in the United States and Europe are shouldering major responsibilities at home and at work simultaneously, and this makes for stress and a low quality of life,” said Prof. Herminia Ibarra, co-author of the 2010 Corporate Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum.
The opinions of the French, in particular, are emblematic of the uneven drive for equality of the sexes.
One hundred percent of French women and 99 percent of French men backed the idea of equal rights. Yet 75 percent also said that men there had a better life, by far the highest percentage in any of the countries in which polling took place.
Why do people in France, which provides generous state care for new mothers and toddlers, feel so far from having achieved gender equality?
“Because they are, at least in terms of economic participation,” said Professor Ibarra, who teaches organizational behavior at Insead, the international business school based in Fontainebleau, France. “There are still very few women running large organizations, and business culture remains resolutely a boys’ club.”
Indeed, the United States and Germany reported an especially strong gap between the sexes on whether enough has been done to give women equality. Of those who believe in equal rights, many more American and German men believe their nations have made the right amount of changes for women, while many more women than men in those countries think more action is required.
“When you’re left out of the club, you know it,” said Prof. Jacqui True, an expert in gender relations and senior lecturer at the University of Auckland. “When you’re in the club, you don’t see what the problem is.”
Read the rest of this story here.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Save the Date
2010 CRCC Volunteer Appreciation Event
September 26th
Where will it be? What is the theme? You'll have to wait for your invitations to find out for sure but here's a hint ... I've been bowled over by all your hard work! Any guesses?