“Stress, Burnout, Counter Transference, and Vicarious Trauma”
Stress Relief: An Evening of Art Therapy.
A hands-on evening creating art and learning about the difference between Stress, Vicarious Trauma, and Burnout.
830pm – 10pm
Fairview Hospital
Fairview Hospital
Meeting Room A
The evening is designed to address the importance of discussing and addressing vicarious trauma, counter transference, compassion fatigue and burnout on the provider who works with traumatized clients and/or high stress situations. The workshop will provide an exercise in art therapy, in addition to gaining valuable tools for avoiding these problems or how to intervene if they already exist.
Speaker: Claire Campbell MA, PC, AT:NCC
This is a FREE event but an RSVP is required in order to ensure that we have enough supplies for all participants. Contact Alison Rerko at 216-476-7278
Speaker: Claire Campbell MA, PC, AT:NCC
This is a FREE event but an RSVP is required in order to ensure that we have enough supplies for all participants. Contact Alison Rerko at 216-476-7278
Claire is an amazing art therapist. I would encourage anyone out there to treat themselves to this free self care opportunity!